Here at Neatherd we know that children who spend time on homework show higher levels of academic achievement, as homework enables children to reinforce, practice and apply the skills learnt in class, in order to build knowledge of the different subjects. It allows parents to engage, encourage and participate towards their children’s learning. Homework allows children to demonstrate their abilities and improve their sense of responsibility and time management.
Homework principles at Neatherd
- All homework tasks in all years are pre-planned, often printed as a booklet/as part of a unit booklet in advance.
- All homework should focus on active recall. This will give consistency across the department/departments, with high-quality, active tasks planned.
- Teachers should feedback on completed homework, so pupils know where they have done well and where gaps in knowledge may be.
- Pupils will always be given plenty of notice (a week or fortnight) to complete the homework, this helps pupils plan their homework time around interests and clubs outside of school.
- Pupils should always write homework in their planner, with the subject, task and due date included.
The document below explains the type and style of homework that can be expected from all the different subjects at Neatherd, in both Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.
Key Stage 3
Pupils can use their Core Knowledge Booklet to help when completing homework. The type of homework will vary in different subjects, but teachers will clearly set out what is expected. KS3 pupils get homework that should take no more than 20mins per subject a week/fortnight. Maths, English, Science & MFL set homework each week. All other subjects set homework each fortnight.
Above and Beyond
For KS3 pupils, there are a series of optional extra (not compulsory) extended activities which pupils can complete at home. These are then handed in to their subject teacher, who will reward the work with 25 or 50 house points, depending on the task. These are Above and Beyond their normal homework and are available from this link.
Key Stage 4
Students are expected to spend a maximum of 45mins per subject per week on homework. Pupils will receive specific tasks that are likely to be exam style tasks and questions, as well as revision activities. Subject teachers will set, collect and feedback the KS4 homework.
Rewards and Sanctions
Class teachers will reward homework with House Points if the homework has been done well. 5 House Points per homework.
If a pupil does not hand in homework, or it is not of the expected standard, pupils will be given support to complete the homework. If homework continues not to complete homework, then as well as further support detentions will be issued, in order to help the pupils catch-up on missed homework.
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