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Careers Library

Check out the new Career section in the library which contains a variety of general careers books and also lots of information about different professions.

The library display is always linked to the relevant Career sector of the month.

Job Sector of the Month

Creative Careers

If you're ready to start your career in the creative industries, there are many opportunities for those with artistic talent, a flair for design or a desire to perform. If you fancy working in a sparky environment where fresh ideas are encouraged and rewarded, chances are you’re attracted to creative industries such as TV, publishing, advertising and music. However, you might also feel at home with other types of employer. Creativity can take many forms and is highly prized in many different industries and professions, as it leads to innovation and new ways of solving problems. So if you see yourself as a creative type, it’s well worth keeping an open mind about how you could use your talents at work.

See below some more information websites and a selection of videos about jobs related to this exciting Career sector.



Creative Careers:

Tattoo Artist:


Costume designer


Stage Technician


Guitar maker:


Careers in Performing arts:


Careers in Design and skilled crafts:





Archive (click to expand)

STEM careers

STEM is short for science, technology, engineering and maths. 

Over 60% of all new jobs created are to be found in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

Studying STEM subjects leads directly to a huge variety of exciting and rewarding career opportunities. With STEM skills, you can make a big contribution to many of the big challenges facing society today. From designing visual fx for a new film, to working as a physiotherapist for an athlete, to inventing a new hi-tech health scanner, to manufacturing a racing car or putting new satellites into space there are thousands of exciting and well paid opportunities.

Many of the jobs of the future will involve technology as the way that people work will continue to change. People who work in the health sector rely hugely on their scientific skills, whilst the finance sector requires people who are a whizz with numbers. As the population grows, more homes will need to be built and the infrastructure in towns and cities will rely on skilled engineers.

There are different routes into STEM careers at 16 and 18, through apprenticeships or from relevant degrees.

General Information and video about STEM careers:



STEM Careers – job of the week


Mechanical Engineer



Marine Biologist



Apprentice Accountant



Lighting Technician



Unusual jobs:
