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Enrich Learning Trust celebrates the proud and individual identities of member schools, providing bespoke support and challenge to strive for the best outcomes for all children, developing and nurturing the whole child, creating a purposeful and happy family of schools.

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Our Vision


We aspire to be the best, or with the best, in everything that we do. By working hard and supporting each other, every member of our community will flourish and achieve great things.


In our school community, we live our lives by these five core values:


At Dereham Neatherd High School, we take pride in being:


Children are at Neatherd to learn. This is at the heart of why we are all here. Our environment is engineered to be calm, orderly and well-organised. Our pupils are focused, attentive and expected to work the best they can all the time. We have high standards on uniform – we like our students to dress and work smartly. At Neatherd, children have the right to be children, and teachers have the right to teach.


We are proud to be an inclusive, comprehensive community school. We have a Specialist Resource Base for children with autism; our Link facility has highly-trained staff here to support special educational needs, literacy and numeracy; the team in the Gateway offer targeted, bespoke support backed by the Pupil Premium. Our houses are mixed-age to foster an ethos of openness and belonging between the year groups. We actively promote our pupils to be tolerant upstanding citizens who care about others.


Our pupils’ wellbeing is our biggest priority. Our pastoral care system is second to none. We are committed to offering a nurturing environment beyond the classroom, and giving our pupils the emotional support so that they are in a mentally good place to learn and prosper. Exam results are important, and we are proud of our pupils’ achievements, however our main aim is to develop the Neatherd pupil to be a confident and happy young person.